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AXOS Network Innovation OS

Radically simplify network operations and network architecture, reducing total cost of ownership and time-to-market. 

AXOS - Network Innovation OS Overview

Simplify your network so you can focus on growing your business

Network Innovation OS offers a revolutionary way for BSPs to operate their access network and accelerate their business transformation. It enables a complete decoupling of the software and hardware elements of the network, dramatically simplifying the network architecture and allowing it to be easily automated and scaled.

Calix AXOS - Network Innovation OS logo

Product details

One software platform for many hardware systems

A highly available system

Service and hardware abstraction layers separate underlying hardware from the software applications and protocols, which operate in an active/standby arrangement so that any hardware or operating system failure causes an automatic switch to the standby controller yielding a highly available system.

wifi symbol over hand

Rapid new services delivery

Provides hardware independence, ervice abstraction, modular architecture, stateful operation that is always on, and SDN interfaces, which ensure that data models and interfaces for all services remain consistent across all technologies and systems.

abstract high speed train

Benefits and Features

Imagine your lab of the future


Decoupling of the network software and hardware elements dramatically simplifies the network architecture for easy automation and scaling

Fast provisioning

Allows the high-density aggregation and transport flexibility to fully support the provisioning of super-fast services made possible by 10G-PON

Modular architecture

Offers a modular architecture and common service model to deliver “always on” connectivity with zero downtime

News and insights

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AXOS: Simplifying the Business of Broadband

Thanks to its modular architecture and common service model, the Network Innovation Platform is able to deliver “Always On” connectivity with zero downtime, even during service upgrades.

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