How Software-Defined Networks Deliver Clean and Green Broadband
Calix helps broadband service providers (BSPs) simplify their network architectures by stripping out the complexity of network management and ensuring networks are easy to maintain. There’s another significant advantage to this approach. By reducing the network’s physical footprint, BSPs can realize environmental benefits—as the network takes up less space, uses less energy, and requires fewer cooling resources. The result is a more environmentally friendly and secure network that dramatically reduces carbon emissions compared to traditional broadband network architectures.
Using Software To Drive Green Broadband
The secret to designing a green broadband network starts with decoupling the software and hardware layers. By deploying the Calix Intelligent Access EDGE™ platform, networks are equipped with an abstracted service layer, hardware independence, common service models, and automated workflows. This enables stateful “always on” operations that consolidate the subscriber-facing functions of the network into optional specialized software modules. On the hardware side, the Intelligent Access EDGE platform features the Calix E-Series family of modular systems designed for specific deployment locations. These include the E9-2 (designed for data centers), the E7-2 (for smaller central office or remote cabinet locations), and the E3-2 (for remote locations or areas where it is not financially viable to install a cabinet).
These flexible systems allow BSPs to design networks with fewer pieces of equipment, delivering environmental benefits.
A Software-Defined Network (SDN) Offers Significant Energy Savings
AcenTek is one BSP successfully leveraging this strategy. AcenTek chose an end-to-end green fiber broadband solution to achieve its environmental objectives—stretching from the data center with Intelligent Access EDGE into the home with Calix Revenue EDGE™. By deploying the E9-2, AcenTek streamlined the access edge network and consolidated functions to eliminate legacy broadband network gateways (BNG), routers, and DHCP servers—resulting in a 73 percent power consumption reduction in the access edge.
Additionally, AcenTek removed 113 DSL remote cabinets, replacing them with as few as 10 central office-based E7-2 Intelligent Modular Systems—resulting in an 85 percent power consumption reduction in the access network.
Finally, AcenTek deployed the Calix GigaSpire BLAST® system to extend Wi-Fi throughout the subscriber’s home.
By deploying green broadband networks from Calix, BSPs can drive operational efficiencies and provide a platform to launch exciting new services for subscribers. It also demonstrates a commitment to environmental responsibility and a greener, cleaner future for their communities.
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