The Magnetic Power of a Brand: 5 Ways a Strong Brand Pulls Subscribers to You
This is from the actual About Us page of a broadband service provider:
“The most reliable network in <these states> is also the on-ramp to the next level of connectivity.”
It’s not the worst string of words I’ve ever read. But it’s not the best, either.
Let’s keep going. This is from the bio on another company’s social media account:
“We bring world-class connectivity & platforms & extraordinary content & experiences to millions.”
Again, not the worst. (Although that ampersand is a lot.)
But again, let’s move on. I pick up mail from my mailbox. Included is an oversized postcard mailer that features a big dollar sign next to a monthly discounted price. It was from… well, you know. Another service provider.
These examples are not categorically bad. But none of them reflects anything unique, either.
None of them reflects a clear brand identity. None of them tells a compelling brand story.
They’re instantly forgettable. Instantly interchangeable. You could move the logo from one social profile to the profile of another and no one would pay any mind.
And notice something else: They’re focused on what the provider does. Not why it matters to me.
What Is a Brand?
Let’s back up. What do we mean when we talk about “brand identity”? Or, more fundamentally: What’s “branding” in the context of our businesses?
Branding is the strategy we use to actively define and shape the perception of who we are and why we matter. It’s a slow effort built over time; it’s not a one-and-done campaign.
Your well-defined brand goes beyond merely your logo and catchy slogan. It reflects the values, personality, people, and innovations of your business. It carries important emotional signals to your subscribers. It gives them something to relate to that goes beyond your products and services—to reflect how you work, your commitment to the subscriber experience, and the role you play in your community.
Let’s say that again, but in bold… because it’s critical:
Your brand reflects how you work, your commitment to the subscriber experience, and the role you play in your community.
Done well, a strong brand is the attribute that sets your company apart from your competition—even competition with deeper market penetration or deeper pockets (or both).
Here’s a closer look at why developing a powerful, magnetic brand is important:
1. It Establishes Trust and Credibility
Your strong brand will—above all—build trust and credibility with subscribers. They recognize who you are and what you stand for: They feel confident about the quality of your products and service. But more than that, they know you stand by them.
They know that, when they call with a problem (someday, for some reason), Jennifer in Subscriber Services will respond immediately. And if it’s more complex than that, she will explain the plan for resolution.
Have you ever felt like a number at a company that’s incapable of responding to you with warmth and empathy? We all hate that—but your subscribers feel seen and heard.
2. It Sparks Affinity
Your brand will connect with subscribers emotionally. When you understand subscriber needs, preferences, and aspirations (you have both the data and the creative insights!), your brand builds a genuine bond with subscribers.
And that matters—especially because people who love you will refer you to others. This point is key, so let’s break this out as a separate point.
3. It Fosters Loyalty, Advocacy, and Word-of-Mouth Referrals
Pop quiz: What’s the best way to attract new subscribers?
Answer: Delight your current subscribers.
Spoil them with incredible service. Impress them with innovation. Use your data insights and creativity to craft messages and hone a point of view that they’ll relate to and see themselves reflected in.
Word-of-mouth marketing is potent in your community because people value recommendations from friends and neighbors above any well-crafted marketing messages. Advocacy that grows organically helps grow your subscriber base exponentially, unleashing an army of advocates who will do your marketing for you.
Focus on the subscribers you have in order to attract the ones you want.
4. It Delivers Memorable Experiences
Your products need to be stellar, of course. But the experience you offer is a major differentiator because it reflects not just what you do, but how the work gets done—how you show up for subscribers, how you consistently meet their needs.
Finally, there’s one more important consideration:
5. It Commands Premium Pricing
I know this is a bit controversial. But hear me out:
Not too long ago, I hired a landscaper to install a new backyard patio. He wasn’t the cheapest, but he was the most responsive and timely. And (if I’m being honest), I liked him more.
He lived in town. His kids go to the school down the street. My new landscaping friend was friendly, his references checked out, and he seemed to genuinely want the business. And yes—now we’re friends.
I’m often willing to pay more for a brand I trust, a brand I believe will deliver exceptional value... and a brand I like and feel connected to.
Your powerful brand allows you to command premium pricing for your services. Like me with my landscaper friend (his name is Russell, by the way), your subscribers are likely willing to pay more because they trust you and believe you will also deliver exceptional value.
Providers like you have an incredible opportunity to build brand. Highlight who you are as a company. But more important: Show your customer who you are and why you matter to them.
Those of us who do will nurture the twin goals of attracting new subscribers and building long-term loyalty with existing subscribers.
Through the slow, important work of defining and shaping your brand over time, you’ll build a clear, unique brand identity—a powerful magnet that pulls people straight to you.
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