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Intelligent Access EDGE™

Deliver a superior experience for your subscribers, businesses, and community

Redefine the access edge of the network by radically simplifying its architecture and operations with one common service model, while reducing operational expenses by as much as 40%

light rays over a city


Building blocks for a simplified network


Deliver services to your subscribers from the data center to the very remote locations of your network with common operational procedures and rapid BSS/OSS integration


Provide all the core functionality that an operations team requires to add new services, improve operational efficiency and assess network performance


Gain years of expertise of developing and building next generation networks so your can reduce your time to revenue

The last network you’ll ever need

5G, AR/VR, Cloud Gaming, and Telemedicine are just examples of what is and will continue to challenge your network. Watch this video to learn more about what you can do to get ahead of these new applications and reduce operations expenses by up to 40 percent.


Award-winning capabilities

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Intelligent Access EDGE news & insights

A man in red t-shirt is standing in stadium full of people celebrating a goal or victory
Nov 27, 2024 | 3 min
Network specialists discusses work in the server room with cloud server icon and visualization
Nov 21, 2024 | 3 min
Nov 09, 2023 | 4 min

Customer Success

Customers are taking their networks to the next level


The E9-2 Intelligent EDGE System is helping to segment Layer 2 access networks and ensure a more secure network that is scalable and simple to operate.

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AXOS and the E9-2 Intelligent Edge System are enabling BrightRidge to roll out their new 1G and 10G services faster and more efficiently than ever before.

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Silver Star

Learn how Silver Star gets big results using open access networks, where multiple service providers simultaneously compete and deliver broadband services to subscribers 

Watch webinar