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May 23, 2023

Chasing Excellence: New Ways Operations Teams Deliver for Their Subscribers

How do broadband operators wrestle with an increasingly complex and critical network that needs to be perfect - always-on, fast and stable? 

How can they be prepared for unforeseen events, get ahead of service-impacting issues, and dramatically reduce downtime? 

Calix puts hundreds of broadband service providers (BSPs) in the driver’s seat by enabling access to automated, real-time network insights that root out issues faster. By getting the most critical information to the right teams at the right time, essential services hum along without disruption. 

Our experts taught you how your team can get the critical, accurate information they need – fast – and help network operations plan for, and react quickly to, service-impacting issues and deliver operational excellence. 

We covered best practices to: 

  • Enhance network monitoring and outage management solutions with predictive analytics, real-time notifications, and end-to-end network visualization. 
  • Quickly identify subscribers impacted by network issues. 
  • Isolate issue root cause with network insights 
  • Provide collaborative real-time network insights and issue notifications across operations, customer support teams and subscribers.